Yumove Dog Joint Supplement - Highly Recommended By Our Customers - A Coombs Pet Centre
Natasha Harvey

Yumove Dog Joint Supplement - Highly Recommended By Our Customers

Here at A Coombs Pet Centre we are always listening to our customers. Especially when it comes to product feedback. If something isn't quite right about a product we like to know and likewise if a product is getting highly recommended by our customers we feel it is our duty to let all our other customers know about it. That's why each month we will be posting about one product that you all love, so stay tuned and you might find the best cat toy or Hamster treat that you didn't know existed. For this month however, we're looking at Yumove the natural joint health tablets.

Lets start at the beginning, we first started stocking Yumove a while back for a customer who asked us to get it in the store for her. Then one week she came in and another customer had already bought it, so we increased the amount we kept in.

When it comes to a product like Yumove we always hear feedback, as it will either help and work for your Dog and you'll rave about it or it won't and as such we will hear complaints. I can honestly say that in the long time that we've been stocking it, none of us have ever heard a bad word about Yumove.

On the pack it claims that it is clinically proven to help support your dog's joints in 6 weeks and that only Yumove joint supplement contain Vitaease green lipped mussel. So what is vitaease green lipped mussel and why is it so good for your dog?

Vitaease green lipped mussel comes from the crystal clear waters of New Zealand and provides an incredibly concentrated source of Omega 3, which is proven to soothe stiff joints. Yumove contains 4 x more Omega 3 than standard versions.

On top of this Yumove also contains a high strength Glucosamine which provides the major building blocks of cartilage - the tough connective tissue that protects the joint. It also contains a unique form of Hyaluronic acid - only theirs is proven to reach the joint within 2 hours, helping to lubricate and cushion the joint.

When you look into the product you can see why so many customers rave about the benefits of this product. We feel very confident in recommending this product to any dog with joint problems. Have a look further on our website by clicking here!